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Accounting Services for Dentists and Doctors

Navigating your taxes when working in the medical field can be a minefield. There are many things to bear in mind when paying your taxes as a dentist or a doctor, and preparing your accounts can seem like an impossible task.

Unlike working for an employer, as you likely were during our training years, branching out to start your own practice will mean you are responsible for more administration tasks you may not have realised were involved. Now you are self-employed, you will be responsible for making your own National Insurance and Tax payments. But this is where we can assist you. Whether you are new to running your own surgery or looking at expanding your practice to accommodate more patients.

At AM Plus Accountancy Limited, we understand that you may need assistance in organising your finances to make sure you are paying the absolute minimum in tax that you need to pay. For doctors and dentists requiring accountancy services, we are well placed and expected to provide this service for medical professionals.

We know you will want to focus on providing the best service possible to your patients, so let us handle all your tax planning and accountancy needs. Whether you operate as a limited company, partnership or sole owner, we can help guide you towards making sure your tax requirements and responsibilities are taken care of legally and thoroughly.

As part of our extensive services provided when dealing with dentist and doctors accounts, we can identify your company’s different areas that can affect how much tax you need to pay.

  • Company formation
  • PAYE returns
  • Bookkeeping
  • Annual Accounts
  • Company tax returns
  • Personal tax returns
  • VAT returns

Reducing Your Taxes as a Doctor and a Dentist

By allowing AM Plus Accountancy to handle your financial affairs, we can identify areas you may not even have thought of when it comes to reducing your tax bill. We can use all legal routes to ensure you only pay what you need to pay as a self-employed doctor or dentist.

Our support can help you review your current arrangement when you switch to our accountant services for dentists and doctors, making sure you are covering all areas liable to come under scrutiny from Revenue when your tax return is filed.

When it comes to expenses you can claim as a doctor to the dentist, you can look to include the following;

  • Marketing
  • Stationery
  • Mileage Costs
  • Vehicle Costs
  • Road Tax
  • Insurance – professional, motor, legal
  • Lab Costs
  • Employees Contributions and expenses
  • Technology costs
  • Equipment including upgrades
  • Training expenses
  • Cleaning expenses
  • And more

If you feel like you need assistance in making sure you are fulfilling your legal obligation, you are concerned. You can contact us today and use our expertise to make sure your business is legal and you aren’t paying more tax than you need to be paying.

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